Starr County Butterflies


7-14-10, 1:54 p.m.

7-14-10, 5:29 p.m.




Mature caterpillar, 7-28-10

Mature caterpillar from earlier study, with less white on body, 4-20-10

Chrysalis, 7-30-10

Fresh adult Vesta Crescent, raised in 2008 (photo 10-1-08)
The eggs of this study were found on Tube tongue, Siphonoglossa pilosella, the common native host of Vesta Crescents. The caterpillars took about 16 days to pupate. I did not record the emergence of the adults - I think I was traveling - so I included a picture of an adult I reared in 2008. Five to seven days is typical of the pupation time for caterpillars I have raised in the past.
Vesta Crescent caterpillar face
A comparison of several crescent caterpillars I have found may be seen here. Elada and Tiny Checkerspots also use the same host plant. All vary significantly in the amount of white in the striping of their bodies. One reliable way to distinguish the caterpillars of each species is to look at the face. Only the Vesta Crescent has a black face with 4 white markings that resemble eyes, a nose, and pouty mouth.