Starr County Butterflies
Sightings Graphs
The intent of the sightings graphs is to give a general idea of when a species might typically be found flying in Starr County, TX. The species graphs currently include observations made from 2010 to 2019.
The data for these graphs come from my personal observations of butterfly species flying in western Starr County. Most of the sightings, naturally, come from my yard. When I have opportunity to visit other sites from Roma to Falcon State Park, that data is included. Very rarely, someone else's confirmed sighting of an uncommon species may also be added. My opportunities to collect data are often erratic regarding time and locations. South Texas Satyrs, for example, are probably undercounted because I rarely go near the river, where they are generally common. Also, the less-common of two easily-confused species may be overlooked. For example, I don't always make the effort to distinguish Desert and Tropical Checkered-Skippers from the more regular Common Checkered-Skippers.
- Interpretation of graphs for individual species
- 1 = one individual observed during month
- 2 = two individuals observed during month
- * = three or more individuals observed during month
- No graph: the particular species has been reported in Starr County, but not from 2010-2019.
- Example
The example graph is for Mexican Bluewing. Only once has one been observed in April, and then only a single individual. It is evident these generally fly in the second half of the year. If there is a flight, generally multiple individuals may be observed. However, the chance of seeing one in western Starr County is less than 50-50 in any given year.